Thursday, October 29, 2015

Explore Your Choices before Choosing Your Career

“This is not a right career choice!” Each one of us has heard this at least once in our lifetime. So what is a ‘right career’? Well, as far as I know there is nothing like a right or wrong career, every individual has a unique personality and his/ her career choice should be a reflection of the same. A shy but creative person can perform very well in the field of art and a person who loves adventure can be a very good professional stunt performer or professional hiker. They can earn good salaries and well deserved respect in their domain but if they would be asked to swap their roles that might result in two frustrated and sad individuals.

What do we normally do while choosing a career?

Most of us go for a career because of family pressure, good money or just because our friends are choosing that path. While sometimes it may be worth the risk but mostly it will be setting you on path where you will be dissatisfied with your career choices. Respecting your family’s emotions is important but do you really want to do what you don’t even like for rest of your life? Can money really buy you happiness? How would feel fighting for a promotion with your friend when you don’t even enjoy your work?

Explore yourself

Before deciding upon a career, explore yourself and do a personality check. It is a known fact that understanding your personality and keeping that in mind while choosing a career can highly influence your happiness and quality of your life. Now a days there are different methods available for conducting personality tests.  These personality tests can give you more details about your personality and help you select the best suited career. If you are inclined towards a particular job or profession, these tests also help you understand the areas you need to improve upon.

Take Professional help

A personality test combined with an expert’s advice can help you in select your right career. A career counsellor understands your personality in more details and introduces you with ground realities of a job. Keeping in mind your likes, dislikes, goals, financial condition and other important aspects, a counsellor lights the path for you and guides you through it. It is important to spend some time and have detailed discussion today to know yourself and make informed decisions than to regret your choices later.

Choose the Right Career, Talk to the Best Career Advisors | Carrer Counselling

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