Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Get Dietitian Online - Dietitian Consultation, Nutrition Counsellor

Getting a dietitian’s consultation helps us keep in shape
and feel good about ourselves. There are numerous sources on the internet for
choosing a dietitian online. We must choose our dietitian online very
carefully, and only go for the best one.

Our diets directly affect our health and must be kept in
check with a dietitian’s help. A good dietitian understands our body’s
nutritional needs and gives us a diet accordingly. Consulting a dietitian online allows us flexibility and there are better chances of us being regular. 

Taking The Plunge in Our Career Counselling Online

Our career impacts our life in one of the biggest ways. We choose our professional life on the basis of our interests and capabilities. The decisions we take regarding our career is crucial and needs to be taken with utmost sincerity and commitment. If we choose a path that doesn’t go gel with our calibre and interest, we will suffer each day at work and live a sorry, miserable life!

Career advice online | Career counselling online

For more information so visit on

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dealing with Increasing Stress in our Lives

Recently there has been a worrying trend of increasing stress and anxiety levels especially among working professionals. Individuals are experiencing stress in their professional and personal lives, and are not able to strike a balance between the two. Demands and pressure from both these spheres puts increasing load on a person, and it is becoming worryingly common to see people breaking down at some point. Some amount of stress is inevitable in our life but we need to understand how to manage it and let stress take over our lives. If we do reach a point where we are unable to cope with the increasing pressure, there should be absolutely no delay in seeking expert advice.

Stress Management Counselling

What to do on an individual level to deal with it?

We can’t control the external factors greatly; for instance, we can’t control how people around us behaved, how rational they are in their demands, if they are ready to make certain compromises with us and reach mid-way to a conclusion. But, we must make sure to at least do our bit to avoid stress by making sure that we aren’t adding to our work pressure by procrastinating our work. Procrastination leads to delay, and this delay causes us to stress over things as the deadlines approach. Also, we have to accept the fact that we can’t be ‘perfect’ each and every time, and sometimes our work results may just be satisfactory.

The unhealthy ways of dealing with stress we should definitely stay away from…

Even though stress can be hard to deal with, we should never resort to unhealthy ways of dealing with it. People deal with their stress in the wrong ways such as by bingeing on junk food and beverages, indulging in alcohol, drugs and pills, withdrawing from family, loved ones and friends, not taking a ‘time out’, zoning out for hours in front of the TV or computer. These may provide temporary respites, but they only end up adding to our stress levels in the future.
It’s necessary to deal with stress the right way. We should incorporate the habit of exercising and intake of a healthy diet. Exercising releases endorphins, also known as ‘the happy hormone’ which goes a long way in coping with stress. We should always take out time for our family and loved ones, take time to travel frequently whenever we can and see new places and learn new and exciting languages and cultures, and always find time to relax ourselves by doing things that truly make us happy.

Why consulting a stress management expert online can be helpful…

Oftentimes, we are unable to cope with stress on our own and we may want the counsel of a third person, who is also removed from our personal or professional circle. It’s recommended to seek help from stress management consultants. These days, online method of consulting psychologists has emerged to be useful and we should make the best use of it. If going to the consultant’s office makes you nervous and you want to consult with an expert without letting others know, this is an excellent method. Your happiness is in your hands.

Stress management counsellingStress management tips

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Seeking Career Advice for Advancement in our Professional Lives

Career Advice Online

Even the most highly qualified and experienced professionals may reach a point in life when they are not satisfied by their professional achievements, are overwhelmed and slightly intimidated by the competition surrounding them, or may feel like there’s something lacking in their career and even though they may be monetarily gaining a lot, but there’s not a feeling of satisfaction. Rather than feeling clueless and disgruntled, it’s better to take career advice online from expert counsellors, also available online, and give a kick-start to a new approach in life.
Having a high-paying job doesn’t necessarily prove job satisfaction. An individual excelling in oratory skills and strategy-building may land up a job at a big corporate house as a marketing strategist but, that may not be a job that keeps him happy. He may want to be a motivation speaker conducting TEDx talks, or even a camp leader! Glam doesn’t necessarily promise happiness.

Why is it important to choose the right career path?

It’s necessary to opt for a career path that fits our personality and is in sync future goals. While choosing a career, we should keep in mind these very important question: where do we want to see ourselves a ten years from now? And does choosing this take us a step closer to what we want to achieve ultimately? If the answers to these questions contradict with our options, then maybe it’s time to rethink our decisions.

Why should we seek advice from career counsellors?

Of course, we learn from our mistakes and people make mistakes in their life before settling on the one that fits them. But, if there’s a way to make mistakes such that there recurs minimal damage and setback to our careers, it’s obviously sensible to go for it. Hence, we must take all the help we can from trusted sources and make well-informed decisions. It’s highly recommended to seek advice from career counselling online. These are experts who help us take crucial decisions with their counsel, based on their past experience, studying market trends, and evaluating and assessing our personality, talents and goals. Take a step further in advancing your career, and take a decision which will fetch you contentment and sense of fulfilment.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Astrology- Leading Us Through Our Darkest Times

Astrology occupies an important place among Indians. Although with progression of time and values, it appears that more people are turning agnostic or even atheistic, astrology continues to be a trusted course for a large chunk of people. Astrology promises to benefit us in the darkest of times, even when all other roads and opportunities are closed to us, astrology will carve the path for us and solve our problems.

Astrology advice online

Indian Astrology, also known as Moon Astrology, has its origin in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. The Indian astrology has 12 zodiac signs, which are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Rashis or Moon signs were developed at a later stage to simplify Indian Astrology. As per the old sacred texts, the Vedas and Shastras, there are 5 elements in total: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Sky. All these five elements along with constellations (forming the base of Indian astrology) and Rashis or Moon Signs are taken into consideration while studying someone’s horoscope. The fifth element, the sky is given the utmost importance because the ‘Ascendant’ is the most important aspect in anyone’s horoscope chart as it signifies the ‘self’, and this ascendant is ruled by the sky element.
The above mentioned type astrology falls under the most common, and also the oldest prevailing type of astrology followed in India, namely Vedic Astrology. But now, astrology has branched out to include other fields of study as well, such as Numerology, Reiki,Vaastu Shastra, and Online Tarrot card reading.

Numerology is a science of studying the exemplary influence of numbers on the life of human beings. Indians associate numbers with certain cosmic powers, and link them with spirituality. For instance, 0 is a number that encircles a part of the universe. The space occupied within the number is separated from the rest of the universe. This is similar to the human body where the soul (Jeevatma) resides. Human beings always believe that their form is separate from the outer world. But, his soul just resides in the temporary form of his body, and is ultimately to be a part of the all-pervading god, as is mentioned in the sacred text of Bhagwad Gita.
Vaastu Shastra literally translates to “science of architecture”. Vaastu Shastra incorporates traditional Hindu as well as Buddhist beliefs. They refer to texts found in the Indian subcontinent that mention measurements, layouts, principle of design for a structure to be built. The designs are made in order for the architecture to be in sync with nature. It is believed that a structure built strictly according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra will be source of happiness and prosperity.
Reiki and Online tarrot card reading are comparatively newer forms of astrology but are now being pursued as people have reported miraculous results.
Astrology must not be ruled out as an option to find your way out of your problems. There are various sources online where we can take advice from the most well reputed astrologers. When in doubt, you know where to go.

Friday, September 11, 2015

For the love of food

Food! We all love food. We bond over it, we bond with it. Though, biologically food is just a source of nutrients and energy, for most of us it is much more. It comes in many shapes and forms from Pasta to Paani Poori, from Noodles to Naans from Crepes to Kebabs.

The emotions we share with food are hard for science to understand.
How a bucket of ice-cream can help you overcome a breakup? How does a cake uplift birthday parties to another level?

I had a cousin who once told me, food was his best friend, I didn’t find it hard to imagine.

The cultural aspect of food, or how you relate to a particular dish to be something that reminds you of your hometown, or how the fragrance from your kitchen can remind you of your mother’s cooking are all things that reiterate our emotional bond for food.

You love it and mostly it loves you back by hugging your belly. That is the exact point where one needs to realize how your love for food is turning into gluttony.

If you are also someone who wants to cherish the satiation of your palate without losing on health, you are at the right place. Workouts are good, but without the right diet their effects usually are hard to notice.

You will find a lot of blogs, a lot of websites, a lot of forums who promise to give you health plans and tips, but that is not enough. I may be marketing my website through this blog but I am also showcasing the benefits of meeting a dietitian online, of consulting a nutrition online or just how a website can do more than give you tips for weight loss or weight gain, it can make you meet a dietitian over video chat, right from the comfort of your home.

Yes you can do it by meeting a dietitian in his/her clinic but its just way more convenient to be able to do it over phone or video chat.

We all love to eat and this love will never end, but if someone can understand your body better and tell you what foods you can eat, what foods you should eat and what foods should you avoid, your love for food could be prevented from becoming a health hazard.

 Let us all take steps to make sure our love for food doesn’t become a regret one day in your life. Talk to a dietitian online today at

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Understand Your Child’s Psychology Better

Right from the prenatal stage right up till adolescence, a child goes through several psychological, emotional, environmental, physical and societal changes. If we neglect our child’s needs, we will end up impacting their mental growth and personality development adversely. Child psychologist are crucial to understand, and if you’re struggling with your child’s behavioural problems, it’s always better to consults experts counsellors.

Child Psychologist

 Earlier, children were simply considered as smaller versions of adults. It was psychologist Jean Piaget who established through his studies that children think differently than adults, and child psychology is unique. Henceforth, child psychology was treated as a separate study and it has branched out to include several concerns in the form of genetics, environmental influence, cognitive development, prenatal development and sexual development.
What a child learns in his early years reflects upon the person he will become on gaining adulthood. It’s necessary that even the smallest changes in the concerned child’s eating habits, sleeping habits, playing habits, social interaction re put under keen observation. The social and cultural contexts of a child’s environment presume its development. Social context includes the kinds of friends a child makes, how he interacts with his friends, what kinds of friends he makes, if he’s unnaturally shy and awkward around people, etc. The cultural context includes the positive or negative habits that a child may pick up by observing the shared customs and values a child lives in, which affects a person’s development throughout his lifespan.
Children are not getting the right amount of nurturing from their parents and elders and they start feeling unloved and neglected; this realisation gives rise to a feeling of dejectedness and shows in the form of the child becoming either too aggressive and demanding, or by resigning to seclusion and brooding, neither of which are traits that we want to encourage.
Psychologists are still debating over the ‘nature versus nurture’ argument that is elemental for a person’s development. Genetics and prenatal care of course play an important role but there’s only so much control we can have over them. Whereas, the right nurturing of our child is in our capacity. If we are there to give our child all the emotional support and love he needs and instil the right amount confidence and values, it will work wonders in his overall mental and physical growth. We must spend quality time with our children to teach them the importance of family, unity and responsibilities. It’s also necessary that the child is exposed to situations and encouraged to pick up hobbies where he can explore his talents and hone them under the best guides. Since child development is so crucial and intricate, it’s highly advisable that parents take the help of expert child psychologists to deal with their children’s psychological and emotional needs. These days, online consultancy services are on the rise and this form of technology must be utilised to the fullest. If your child is uneasy with the setup of the psychologist’s office, it’s advised that you go for online consultancy services and allow your child the comfort of his home before he can ease into the process.

Your child is important and with the help of the right guide, you can make him into a smart, confident individual. Be the best parent your child could have ever asked for.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Legal Consultancy Services

Many definitions of ‘law’ have been put forward till date. The ‘Third New International Dictionary from Merriam-Webster’ defines law as: “Law is a binding custom or practice of a community; a rule or mode of conduct or action that is prescribed or formally recognized as binding by a supreme controlling authority or is made obligatory by a sanction (as an edict, decree, rescript, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, rule, judicial decision, or usage) made, recognized, or enforced by the controlling authority.

Legal Advice Online

Need for Legal Consultancy Services

Whether at the individual level, or by a company or firm that requires legal advice online to carry out various transactions, deals, make partnership deeds, etc. Individuals don’t just need legal advice for their personal reasons, but may also need it for performing an act for the welfare of the society, as in the case of PILs.
The presence of a legal advisory body is almost necessary for individuals for discharge of duties. Hence, legal advice online – whether obtained in person or online, are on the rise. Law is one of the most lucrative careers in India due to its huge demand.

Law- a demanding career

But, just as Legal Consultancy services are in demand, this career path itself is very demanding. Just like a doctor, the education for a Lawyer never ends anywhere. A lawyer has to always keep himself updated with new legislations, proposals, debates on precedents, and amendments that may take place to existing laws. To become a lawyer, you have to go through a very exhaustive and gruelling course of study, and even after becoming a graduate, it’s not a rosy path where you get easy money. Sure, it may look like a glamorous job, especially with the projections in the movies and sitcoms (Yes, I am looking at you, Harvey Specter from ‘Suits’ and Alan Shore from ‘Boston Legal’) where you swagger into the courtrooms and charm everyone with your wits, or handle million dollar deals in your limousines, ending the day with wine and cigars. A lot of hard work goes and time has to be invested before your credibility is even recognised.

Do you have what it takes to be a Consultant?

Rest assured, if you have the talent, determination, strength of character, strong argumentative and persuasive skills and a zeal for healthy competition and a thirst to prove yourself then, this is the right job for you. These characteristics, besides other struggles and hurdles that lawyers and advocates go through, makes legal consultancy a sought after service. There are several consultants out there who will charge you exorbitant charges and not even give you the reassurance of putting in their best efforts to help you. It becomes important that you spend your precious resources carefully as, not every lawyer is going to give you your money’s worth but may manipulate you to shell out more than is deserved.

Choose your Consultant carefully

Be careful when choosing your advocate. It’s important that you go for trusted Consultancy Services. There are options of going for online consultants as well. You can read up on them, read reviews by their clients and know more about their credibility before investing your time and money. Be smart and make the best of the services your legal advisors provide you. Choose wisely!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Is your child getting the right nutrition

A healthy child will grow up to be a healthy adult. As parents and adults, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children follow a healthy diet and engage in sports and other extra-curricular activities to live a healthy lifestyle which not only makes them physically active but also, it teaches them discipline, team spirit and responsibilities.
At their growing age, it becomes absolutely necessary to scrutinize children’s daily meals. A balanced diet is necessary for the physical growth spurts of a growing child, as well as for their brain and nerve developments. If not taken care of, there’s a high possibility of an unhealthy child facing health issues well into his adult life.

Nutrition for children

What does a child’s balanced diet look like?

Without a doubt, an individual needs all the nutrients to be consumed diligently in his daily meals. For a child, most important nutrient is Calcium. Calcium are the building blocks of a child’s body, and a child needs high levels of calcium for the growing bones. It’s very common for children to be averse to milk. But, milk is one of the main sources of calcium apart from eggs, beans, lentils, oats etc. parents must ensure that children have milk in sufficient quantities; even if they have to make the milk palatable by adding chocolate syrups and other flavoured variants. Best way to entice them into drinking milk is of course to offer them hot chocolate. Gender of the child also plays an important role in daily requirements of the calories and nutrient requirements. Where girls require more irons, boys require a slightly higher amount of proteins for their muscle growth. This however, doesn’t mean that the other nutrients can be conveniently ignored!

How to make sure that your child is making the right choices?

It becomes very hard to keep a watch on a child’s diet at all times. While under the watch, parents may be able to keep a check on them. But when the child is away for school or attending sports coaching etc, they may resort to junk food like chocolates, chips, carbonated drinks. These provide negligible nutrition and only add to increasing consumption of starch, monosaturated fats and sugar- this leads to unnecessary weight gain, lethargy and a general weakening of the body’s immune system, which requires whole grains, fibre, multivitamins to function properly.
It is very important to encourage children to make healthy choices when choosing what to eat. As children can be more inclined towards junk food and quite difficult about eating, try recipes which are healthier alternatives of the fast foods otherwise available, for example- whole wheat spaghetti made in homemade pasta sauce, low fat homemade lemon cakes, fresh fruit smoothies made from berries, burgers made of whole wheat buns and baked patties. Make it look pretty, but healthy!

The importance of an expert’s advise…

It is recommended that you visit a child nutritionist regularly. In today’s scenario, it is necessary to take every step to ensure that a child is growing up the right way. An expert’s advise will go a long way into securing a healthy life for your child. Happy parenting!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Online Consultancy Services - the ‘in’ thing

These days when all of us are so busy trying to accommodate everything we possibly can into a capsule of 24 hours, days can truly start to seem very short. There is so much to do and so little time. We have to wake up, ensure to have our meals on time, head to work, make time for family, get proper rest and do innumerable little things in between. In such a scenario, we are always looking for ways to reduce the time spent on commuting and waiting. Every minute spent on these unproductive activities is time wasted; that time which could have been put to a more productive use. This is where online consultancy services come into the picture.

Why are they in?
Online Consultancy Services are revolutionary in terms of the comfort experienced by the beneficiaries of it. For instance, if I have scheduled a meeting with my dietitian for a 30 minute session on a particular day. I spend some 30-40 minutes commuting to the clinic fighting the traffic. Even after reaching the clinic, my dietitian might not be readily available to attend to me and I might have to spend another 15-20 minutes waiting there. It’s not so hard to include a 30 minute session in my busy schedule but, what about the other time spent? I spent nearly an hour (or more than that) doing nothing productive in my busy day.

Pros and Cons…
Online Consultancy Services allow us to access various services from the comfort of our homes or Office. This is beneficial for the clients availing the service, as well as for the experts providing the consultancy. Online Consultancy Services makes it easier to have flexible service hours, and since it crunches the time taken to wait and travel, more efficiency and quantity of services can be achieved.

Some people are still a little apprehensive when it comes to availing online services. First of all, it lacks the personal touch which may be a cause of unease for some people. Secondly, it is a virtual platform which requires access to a reliable connectivity at all times. Users are sometimes also worried about online payments as they are doubtful about its security. Nonetheless, more and more users are opening up to this form of service and in the future, this virtual marketplace will have many buyers and sellers.