Recently there has been a worrying trend of increasing stress and anxiety levels especially among working professionals. Individuals are experiencing stress in their professional and personal lives, and are not able to strike a balance between the two. Demands and pressure from both these spheres puts increasing load on a person, and it is becoming worryingly common to see people breaking down at some point. Some amount of stress is inevitable in our life but we need to understand how to manage it and let stress take over our lives. If we do reach a point where we are unable to cope with the increasing pressure, there should be absolutely no delay in seeking expert advice.
Stress Management Counselling
What to do on an individual level to deal with it?
We can’t control the external factors greatly; for instance, we can’t control how people around us behaved, how rational they are in their demands, if they are ready to make certain compromises with us and reach mid-way to a conclusion. But, we must make sure to at least do our bit to avoid stress by making sure that we aren’t adding to our work pressure by procrastinating our work. Procrastination leads to delay, and this delay causes us to stress over things as the deadlines approach. Also, we have to accept the fact that we can’t be ‘perfect’ each and every time, and sometimes our work results may just be satisfactory.
The unhealthy ways of dealing with stress we should definitely stay away from…
Even though stress can be hard to deal with, we should never resort to unhealthy ways of dealing with it. People deal with their stress in the wrong ways such as by bingeing on junk food and beverages, indulging in alcohol, drugs and pills, withdrawing from family, loved ones and friends, not taking a ‘time out’, zoning out for hours in front of the TV or computer. These may provide temporary respites, but they only end up adding to our stress levels in the future.
It’s necessary to deal with stress the right way. We should incorporate the habit of exercising and intake of a healthy diet. Exercising releases endorphins, also known as ‘the happy hormone’ which goes a long way in coping with stress. We should always take out time for our family and loved ones, take time to travel frequently whenever we can and see new places and learn new and exciting languages and cultures, and always find time to relax ourselves by doing things that truly make us happy.
Why consulting a stress management expert online can be helpful…
Oftentimes, we are unable to cope with stress on our own and we may want the counsel of a third person, who is also removed from our personal or professional circle. It’s recommended to seek help from stress management consultants. These days, online method of consulting psychologists has emerged to be useful and we should make the best use of it. If going to the consultant’s office makes you nervous and you want to consult with an expert without letting others know, this is an excellent method. Your happiness is in your hands.
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