Sunday, September 13, 2015

Astrology- Leading Us Through Our Darkest Times

Astrology occupies an important place among Indians. Although with progression of time and values, it appears that more people are turning agnostic or even atheistic, astrology continues to be a trusted course for a large chunk of people. Astrology promises to benefit us in the darkest of times, even when all other roads and opportunities are closed to us, astrology will carve the path for us and solve our problems.

Astrology advice online

Indian Astrology, also known as Moon Astrology, has its origin in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. The Indian astrology has 12 zodiac signs, which are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Rashis or Moon signs were developed at a later stage to simplify Indian Astrology. As per the old sacred texts, the Vedas and Shastras, there are 5 elements in total: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Sky. All these five elements along with constellations (forming the base of Indian astrology) and Rashis or Moon Signs are taken into consideration while studying someone’s horoscope. The fifth element, the sky is given the utmost importance because the ‘Ascendant’ is the most important aspect in anyone’s horoscope chart as it signifies the ‘self’, and this ascendant is ruled by the sky element.
The above mentioned type astrology falls under the most common, and also the oldest prevailing type of astrology followed in India, namely Vedic Astrology. But now, astrology has branched out to include other fields of study as well, such as Numerology, Reiki,Vaastu Shastra, and Online Tarrot card reading.

Numerology is a science of studying the exemplary influence of numbers on the life of human beings. Indians associate numbers with certain cosmic powers, and link them with spirituality. For instance, 0 is a number that encircles a part of the universe. The space occupied within the number is separated from the rest of the universe. This is similar to the human body where the soul (Jeevatma) resides. Human beings always believe that their form is separate from the outer world. But, his soul just resides in the temporary form of his body, and is ultimately to be a part of the all-pervading god, as is mentioned in the sacred text of Bhagwad Gita.
Vaastu Shastra literally translates to “science of architecture”. Vaastu Shastra incorporates traditional Hindu as well as Buddhist beliefs. They refer to texts found in the Indian subcontinent that mention measurements, layouts, principle of design for a structure to be built. The designs are made in order for the architecture to be in sync with nature. It is believed that a structure built strictly according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra will be source of happiness and prosperity.
Reiki and Online tarrot card reading are comparatively newer forms of astrology but are now being pursued as people have reported miraculous results.
Astrology must not be ruled out as an option to find your way out of your problems. There are various sources online where we can take advice from the most well reputed astrologers. When in doubt, you know where to go.

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